+48 (32) 251-92-25 wilpo@wilpo.pl

Design, production and industrial implementation

devices for quick, technological measurements of basic quality parameters of hard and brown coal, as well as oil shale, biomass and fly ash.


Design, production and industrial implementation

devices for quick, technological measurements of basic quality parameters of hard and brown coal, oil shale, biomass and fly ash, as well as radiometric control devices for detecting the levels of gamma radiation emitted by transported materials.

Industrial Implementation Company WILPO Sp. z o. o.

on the market since 1988

For 36 years, PWP WILPO Sp. z o. o. deals with the production of advanced devices for measuring coal quality parameters. Our innovative solutions have gained recognition in the mining and energy sectors, which is confirmed by the company's stable position on the market and numerous implementations both in Poland and abroad. We focus on professionalism, offering comprehensive technical advice and quick service. With us, you can be sure of reliability and the highest quality of equipment and services provided.

Our company in numbers…

years on the market



Our products

Continuous devices

Systems measuring "on-line" quality parameters of coal transported on belt conveyors, as well as dosimetric gates monitoring in real time the levels of gamma radiation emission in goods and passenger transport routes.

Stationary equipment

Analyzers designed for quick, technological measurements of basic quality parameters of coal, biomass and other materials samples, in technical and working condition.

Quality control dispatch system

A convenient tool for acquiring and visualizing measurement results for extended technological systems consisting of a larger number of WILPO measuring devices.

Our services

Radiation protection

As a manufacturer of isotope devices, PWP WILPO provides its customers with full radiological safety control, in accordance with the current guidelines of the National Atomic Energy Agency.


Professional and fast service is one of the priorities of our business. PWP WILPO provides users of the devices it produces with technical support at every stage of their operation.


PWP WILPO zapewnia pełny wachlarz szkoleń, zarówno w zakresie obsługi produkowanych i wdrażanych w przemyśle autorskich rozwiązań pomiarowych, jak i w zakresie ochrony radiologicznej dla pracowników zawodowo narażonych na działanie promieniowania jonizujacego.
